Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Going on vacation!!!

In exactly 18 days I will be leaving to go on a cruise (not my trip of choice, it's my birthday present to my mom for her 50th birthday). Nonetheless, I am still excited.

I will be traveling to:
-Cayman Islands
-Isla Roatan
- Belize

I am really excited about Belize!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Korea 2010

I think I reference the fact that I have been to Korea a lot, so here are a few (out of the 500+ pictures I took) of my travels to Korea:

Pre-Travel Assesment Part 1:

1. Decide what kind of a trip you'll be taking: Ethical travel? Pilgrimage routes? Cooking schools in Europe? Travel to trace family roots? Just plain wonderlust? Unusual travel destinations?

This trip is mostly just to satisfy my insatiable need for travel. However, I would like to take a language course in Japan, Korea Thailand and China, along with a cooking class, preferably in China, and some sort of martial arts, Tae Kwon Do in Korea, and a dance class in korea so I can learn a kpop dance.

2. Check your employment options: Can you get a leave of absence or will you have to quit?

Even if I did get a leave of absence, I would still quit. I'm ready to move on and change careers. I'm going back to school to study International Relations and this trip will also be a transition into that career. As far as schooling goes, I'm looking into online courses and universities.

3. Begin budgeting for your trip and start saving money:

In 2 weeks I will be taking my mom on a cruise for her 50th birthday. So I won't really be able to sit down and make a budget until after I come back on October 10th. And all the money I'm saving now will probably be spent on the cruise.

4. Decide whether you'll be keeping your living quarters if you're renting or what you'll do with your home if you own it:

I moved in with my aunt to save money, so that's all set!

5. Start thinking about where you'll go and checking out potential travel destinations:

Definitely: China, Japan, South Korea
High Possibility: Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau
Maybe: India, Cambodia, Malaysia, Nepal, Vietnam
If I don't run out of money or I can make some money in my travels: Sky's the limit!!

6. Begin to tell your friends and family:

I only told my closest friends and family I was thinking about it. I'm not ready to tell them yet how serious I am. I mean, I didn't tell my mom I was going to Korea until after I bought the plane ticket, lol.

7. If you're planning on traveling in a single region, start looking into how to learn a language:

I will be im Asia, but that encompasses so many different language. I can speak a little Korean. I will look into learning Chinese and Japanese, and maybe just a few phrases for the other countries I want to go to.

8. Decide whether it'll be solo travel for you or whether you'll want travel companions:

SOLO!!! I want to get up when I'm ready, go where I want to go and do what I want to do. I figure, from reading other peoples blogs, that I will probably be meeting people along my journey and we may in fact travel for a while together, I don't mind that, but I don't want to be with someone the WHOLE entire trip.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Life List

I got the idea from Mighty Girl. It's kind of like a bucket list, but I like the sound of Life List better.

1.       Learn to make a homemade pie crust
2.       Recreate 20 looks that are in my fashion folder
3.       Get fitted for a bra
4.       Buy a quality bra
5.       See the Pyramids
6.       Have a croissant in France
7.       Go to a black tie New Years Eve Party
8.       Be conversational in 7 languages
9.       Run 1 mile non-stop
10.   Get my TEFL certificate
11.   Teach English in a foreign country
12.   Live in a foreign country for 1 year
13.   Have professional pictures taken
14.   Have $5000 in the bank
15.   Have tattoo removed
16.   Learn to use my camera
17.   Throw 100 parties
18.   Listen to 1,000 new songs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
19.   Make 100 different kinds of pie
20.   Get drunk in an Irish pub in Ireland
21.   Learn to drive a stick
22.   Fall madly in love
23.   Find the perfect foundation
24.   Travel around the world for 1 year
25.   Photograph 10 big cities
26.   Take a photography class
27.   Throw away all my underwear that I would be embarrassed to be seen in if I got into an accident and had to be rushed to the hospital
28.   Learn to play the guitar and piano
29.   Stop eating flour, sugar and dairy for 30 days
30.   Stop eating meat for 30 days
31.   Earn a degree in International Relations
32.   Have tea time in London
33.   Eat sushi in Tokyo
34.   Buy a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes
35.   Buy a “real” blazer and have it tailored to fit
36.   Memorize 20 inspiring quotes
37.   Have “real” Chinese food in China
38.   Take a cooking lesson in another country
39.   Get tattoo of feather or birds
40.   Get tattooed in another country
41.   Have a picture of me taken with Eiffel Tower in background
42.   Do something I LOVE for a living
43.   Fly 1st class
44.   Own a perfect “Little Black Dress”
45.   Become CPR certified
46.   Travel cross country by train
47.   Lose 50 lbs
48.   Lose 100 lbs
49.   Stop wearing the same raggedy ass purse everyday
50.   Go to NYC Fashion Week
51.   Live in NYC
52.   Work for a non-profit
53.   Volunteer at an orphanage in Asia
54.   Buy a Louis Vuitton purse or luggage
55.   Buy a Chanel jacket, doesn’t have to be real
56.   Visit Montreal
57.   Fill my Juicy Couture charm bracelet
58.   Visit a beach with black sand
59.   Take a picture with a giant turtle
60.   Kiss a dolphin
61.   Rent a villa on some tropical location
62.   Have a Roman holiday
63.   Get clear skin
64.   Live in LA
65.   Learn to swim
66.   Adopt a child from another country
67.   Have a dream wedding
68.   Own a vacation home
69.   Own an Audi, like the one in Transporter 2
70.   Run in a marathon
71.   Visit Louisiana
72.   Ride a double decker bus in London
73.   Kiss in the rain
74.   Get really dressed up and go to the airport, ala Elizabeth Taylor in The V.I.P.s
75.   Take a cruise in the Mediterranean
76.   Own 100 scarves
77.   Learn to tie a scarf 20 different ways
78.   Get all the viruses off my computer and get a good virus protection program
79.   Attend Tomatine in Spain
80.   Attend a red carpet event
81.   Own a stock portfolio
82.   Take a pole dancing class
83.   Get 50 stamps in my passport
84.   Take myself on a date
85.   Feed an alligator
86.   Make a self portrait video, with one photo everyday for a year (started on September 2, 2011, re-start on October 17, 2011)
87.   Learn to play poker
88.   Learn to play chess
89.   Get a massage
90.   Get an acupuncture treatment
91.   Attend 5 exhibitions
92.   Pay off all my debt
93.   Have lunch at the plaza hotel in NYC ( Afternoon Tea Menu @ the Plaza Hotel )
94.   Find my tribe of girlfriends
95.   Go on a girls only vacation with said girlfriends
96.   Find the perfect red lipstick
97.   Adopt a puppy
98.   Celebrate my 30th birthday with style
99.   Ride a zipline
100.                        Spend the night in a fancy hotel
101.                        Ride in a limo to nowhere special
102.                        Own a pajama set with footies
103.                        Cut my hair short
104.                        Learn self defense
105.                        Read 10 books about strong women
106.                        Wear all the sunglasses/earrings/necklaces/scarves I own, so that buying them wasn’t a waste
107.                        Go to the airport and jump on the next flight out
108.                        Taste the street food in Thailand
109.                        Own a cafĂ© or bakery
110. Try 10 different homemade facial treatments
111. Try 10 different homemade hair treatments
112. Find a best guy friend
113. QUIT MY JOB!!!! This one is a biggie, since the only thing holding me to it is the money, otherwise I would have quit a long time ago.